Conference on The External Dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy
The next 1st and 2nd of June, the Conference “The External Dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy: Present Challenges and Future Opportunities” will take place, within the framework of the H2020 FarFish project.
The Conference will be held through the Zoom platform, and is organized by the LDAC and CETMAR. Registration is free, and will be open until May 26th. To eliminate barriers, a simultaneous interpretation service in English, French and Spanish will be available throughout the event.
The Conference is divided into two days:
- The first day will be dedicated to the external dimension of the CFP in general and to RFMOs. Ms Vitcheva, Deputy-General at DG MARE will be in charge of starting the first day with a presentation on the Outcomes of the EC consultation on international ocean governance.
- The second day will have the conversation focused on SFPAs. It will include a round table in which the FarFish Case Studies in third countries will be presented, and the contributions to the improvement of fisheries management that have been made since the project will be discussed.
Each of the panels will be made up of world-renowned experts, such as Mr. Benabbou (COMHAFAT), Mr. Manel (ICCAT) or Ms. Leroy (WWF). We will also have representatives of the European institutions (DG MARE and the European Parliament) who will share their views on the subject.
More information on the conference can be found here.